They are skilled in manipulation, deception, and control. They exploit vulnerabilities, leaving you weakened and drained. They are the architects of betrayal, the tyrant, the traitor, the devil… the fool.
In a world where deceit and selfish ambition often seem to triumph, the wounds of toxic relationships run deep. Jean-Paul Sartre once wrote, "Hell is other people," and at times, it certainly feels that way. While relationships can be the greatest source of joy and success, they can also be the root of suffering when trust is broken and power is abused.
The truth is, not everyone values kindness, honesty, and harmony. Some are driven by insecurity, pride, or a relentless need for control, overriding any appeal to mutual respect. These people, whether they be manipulative family members, deceitful partners, or toxic colleagues, wreak havoc, distorting reality to protect their fragile egos. If you’ve ever been ensnared in their web of lies, you know the damage they can cause. But you also know that their downfall is often inevitable.
For those who seek protection and healing, magic offers a powerful remedy. Binding spells are one of the oldest forms of magical defence. They can help you set energetic boundaries, reclaim your power, and free yourself from the influence of harmful individuals.
An Ancient Magical Defence
Binding magic has been practiced for millennia, used to neutralise negative influences and create protective barriers. In ancient Greece and Rome, these spells were known as katadesmos or defixiones, often inscribed on lead tablets, wax figures, or clay effigies before being buried in sacred wells or rivers. The intention was to call upon spirits or deities to limit a person’s harmful actions and contain their influence.
The core principle remains the same today: binding magic restricts the ability of a toxic person to harm you: energetically, emotionally and spiritually.
Binding Magic as Healing Therapy
A binding spell is not an act of aggression; rather, it is an assertion of your right to peace and autonomy. When performed with clear intent, it places protective boundaries between you and the toxic individual, cutting off their ability to manipulate, control or harm you further.
There are many ways to perform a binding, depending on your magical practice and personal intuition:
Curse Tablets & Sigils
Inscribe the person’s name, their offence, and your intention onto a piece of paper, stone, or clay. Seal it with wax, then bury it or cast it into water flowing away from you.
Poppets & Effigies
Craft a small figure to represent the target, binding it with string, thread, or ribbon while reciting your spell.
Spell Jars
Contain their energy in a jar with symbolic items, such as black salt for protection, mirrors for reflection, or thorns for restriction.
Candle Magic
Carve the person’s name into a candle and bind it with thread before burning it down completely.
Headology: The Key to an Effective Binding Spell?
Before casting any spell, it’s crucial to refine your perspective. A binding spell is most effective when it addresses the problem as it truly is, and not as fear has magnified it.
Ask yourself…
How much power does this person really have? If their influence is weak, their words and actions may have little real impact.
Are they targeting you specifically, or are you simply in the way of their selfish goals? Understanding their motivations allows you to depersonalise the situation.
Do they have a history of self-sabotage? If they are habitually toxic, they will likely face natural consequences without your intervention.
This thought exercise helps shrink the perceived power of the toxic individual, making them easier to contain in your spellwork. Binding magic is about reclaiming agency, not feeding fear.
Banishing & Binding: Rewriting Your Story
Toxic relationships can leave deep scars, but they do need to define you. Banishing and binding magic can be a vital step in healing, transforming you from a victim into an empowered magician: one who shapes their reality with courage and intention.
This magical practice is not about vengeance; it is about justice, harmony, and self-preservation. Binding magic allows you to shed unhealthy attachments, free yourself from cycles of manipulation, and step into a future where you are no longer bound by another’s toxicity.
Ancient Binding Magic in Practice
One of the most famous binding incantations comes from an Anglo-Saxon curse charm:
"May you be consumed as coal upon the hearth,
May you shrink as dung upon a wall,
And may you dry up as water in a pail.
May you become as small as a linseed grain,
And much smaller than the hipbone of an itch mite,
Until you become nothing."
This invocation carries a sharp edge, but the underlying message is clear: diminish their power until they fade into insignificance.
Invoking the Spirit World in Your Spellwork
Magic works in balance. You can call upon spirits, deities, or elemental forces to aid in your binding. Some spirits respond to love, truth, and justice, while others resonate with vengeance and retribution. Choose wisely, aligning your spell with your highest intentions.
Light Spirits: Seek protection, wisdom, and healing.
Dark Spirits: Call upon them only when necessary to enact justice.
Regardless of whom you invoke, always ground yourself in integrity. Magic is most powerful when wielded with purpose and clarity.
Breaking Karmic Bonds
Breaking free from a toxic bond is one of life’s most painful challenges. Some people will never have to endure this struggle, but for those who do, it is an initiation into profound growth.
Through this pain, you can emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient. Many who endure emotional suffering become powerful healers, capable of guiding others through their own battles. Binding magic is not just about restricting harm; it’s about reclaiming peace, breaking unhealthy cycles and stepping fully into your power.
If this resonates with you, consider exploring deeper ways to tailor binding spells to your specific situation. There is an art to this magic, and with the right guidance, you can refine your practice for even greater effectiveness.