Burgrune Times

Spring Awakening Foraging Guide

Spring Awakening Foraging Guide

Through magical foraging, nature rituals and alignment with the waxing Sun, set your intentions and channel the vitality of the season.

Spring Awakening Foraging Guide

Through magical foraging, nature rituals and alignment with the waxing Sun, set your intentions and channel the vitality of the season.

Magically Binding Toxic People

Magically Binding Toxic People

Discover how binding magick can protect you against toxic people, and create space for healing, growth and empowerment in your life.

Magically Binding Toxic People

Discover how binding magick can protect you against toxic people, and create space for healing, growth and empowerment in your life.

Breaking Toxic Cycles

Breaking Toxic Cycles

Explore binding and banishing magick as powerful tools for breaking karmic bonds, setting boundaries and reclaiming personal power.

Breaking Toxic Cycles

Explore binding and banishing magick as powerful tools for breaking karmic bonds, setting boundaries and reclaiming personal power.

Magical Yuletide Correspondences

Magical Yuletide Correspondences

As the light and warmth of Yule shines from within our homes and hearts, we are beacons to a plethora of spirits fleeing the icy purge of winter. Just as...

Magical Yuletide Correspondences

As the light and warmth of Yule shines from within our homes and hearts, we are beacons to a plethora of spirits fleeing the icy purge of winter. Just as...

🎄✨Enchant Your Home at Yuletide🕯️🌟

🎄✨Enchant Your Home at Yuletide🕯️🌟

You don’t need to live in a four-hundred-year-old cottage with an open fireplace to practice hearth magic. With a little magickal know-how, you can awaken and nurture the spirits of...

🎄✨Enchant Your Home at Yuletide🕯️🌟

You don’t need to live in a four-hundred-year-old cottage with an open fireplace to practice hearth magic. With a little magickal know-how, you can awaken and nurture the spirits of...

Blending Herbs and Crystals ✨🌿💎

Blending Herbs and Crystals ✨🌿💎

Infuse your magical workings with nature’s most potent energies, when you combine the energies of herbs and crystals, creating magical and meaningful blends, to honour the deities, align your spirit...

Blending Herbs and Crystals ✨🌿💎

Infuse your magical workings with nature’s most potent energies, when you combine the energies of herbs and crystals, creating magical and meaningful blends, to honour the deities, align your spirit...

Exploring Dark Deities: Guides to the Shadow Realm

Exploring Dark Deities: Guides to the Shadow Realm

Dark deities embody the feared, neglected and suppressed aspect of life. This guide explores their myths, lessons, and rituals, and how to invoke their help in times of need.

Exploring Dark Deities: Guides to the Shadow Realm

Dark deities embody the feared, neglected and suppressed aspect of life. This guide explores their myths, lessons, and rituals, and how to invoke their help in times of need.

Modern Witchcraft: A Personal Path to Spirituality, Healing, and Connection with Nature

Modern Witchcraft: A Personal Path to Spiritual...

More than just a TikTok trend: beyond the social media hype of witchcraft

Modern Witchcraft: A Personal Path to Spiritual...

More than just a TikTok trend: beyond the social media hype of witchcraft