Summer’s golden warmth may seem far off, but light is overtaking the shadows, and new life stirs beneath winter’s remnants. Buds unfurl, roots awaken and the Earth tingles with spring renewal.
Each day, fertility unfolds. Spring-green shoots pierce the soil, while daffodils and snowdrops scatter gold and white across the greying woods. In tended gardens, hellebores nod beside winter jasmines, and camellias spread their red blooms.
Imbolc brings fresh, optimistic, generative energy. The Sun, still young, grows stronger each day. To harness its power, align your spells with its growing strength, drawing on the forces of fertility, vitality and abundance. As the Sun strengthens, so too does its ability to nurture growth. Fine tune your magic to this waxing power, aligning your rituals and intentions.
Spring cleaning, purification, and cleansing are ideal rituals now, clearing away the stagnation of winter. The midwinter rituals of release have made way for renewal. Now, growth follows naturally.
From Imbolc to Ostara, sow seeds of hope, love, and prosperity. Nurture your passions and dreams, aligning with Nature’s cycle to watch them bloom.
Magical Foraging from Imbolc to Spring Equinox
Along country lanes, woodlands and hedgerows, early spring herbs and fungi emerge:
- Young Nettles
- Sweet Violets
- Hedge Mustard
- Wild Garlic
- Velvet Shanks
- Bramble Leaf
- Scarlet Elf Cups
- Young Cleavers
- Chickweed
- Wild Primrose
- Lesser Celandine
- Wood Sorrel
These wild plants, rich in vitality, carry magical energies of fertility and abundance. They offer healing properties, packed with essential vitamins and minerals.
Take only what you need, and always be sure of your identification. Carry a wildflower guide, and consult an expert forager if in doubt.
Spring Awakening Nature Watch
The spring awakening is the rise of Persephone from the Underworld, heralding flowers, leaves and the return of life. Rise with her, greet the morning sun, and rejoice in the triumph of light and life.
Spend time in your local woodland, observing the awakening, greeting the snowdrops, gorse, primroses, wood anemones, celandine, aconite and daffodils. Gather wild herbs, fallen barks, and lichens in a basket. Light a candle and burn incense beneath a tree, making your annual offering to Pan and the spirits of the wild.
This is the time to stir your body, awaken your inspiration, and attune your senses to the energies of spring, increasing your magical power.