Collection: Burgrune's Sabbat Ritual Altar Box Subscription
As the Earth travels around the Sun, we pass through the natural phases of lighter and darker days. The eight magical Sabbats occur regularly throughout the year and each one marks a significant transition from one phase of Nature to the next.
It is an ancient tradition not only to celebrate these events, such as the Summer Solstice or Yule, but also to reflect more deeply on our own personal journey. During the lighter months it is natural to look outward to our relationships with others, good or bad. During the darker months we can turn inward to examine our true selves and consider what we may need to change. The Sabbats are the touchstones for this examination and they require a powerful set of rituals to engage in the process of self transformation.

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Why celebrate the Sabbats with Burgrune?
Burgrune takes you deeply into the magic, mystery and sheer fun of each Sabbat, helping you to gain deeper wisdom and self knowledge, enjoyment and spiritual growth.
You can achieve this through regular and focused rituals at your altar using our beautiful and seasonal Sabbat Ritual Altar Boxes, packed with materia magica using indigenous flowers, herbs and tree barks of the ancient English countryside.
Each Burgrune Sabbat box is more than a collection of handmade, beautiful and delightful smelling stuff! It is a complete and powerful altar set designed to let you experience and work with the concentrated energies of each season.
You will find deeply fragrant anointing oils infused with an abundance of the season's flowers; potent teas with delicate, resonant flavours; smoky, hedonistic incenses created from exotic resins and locally foraged herbs; each box contains a wealth of other items besides, such as candles and charms, for use in special rituals designed to give you an intense, sensory experience of seasonal Nature in your own home.
Each Burgrune Sabbat box contains a carefully written guide for how to use all your magical items and how best to interact with the seasonal environment around you.
As you immerse in ancient stories, enact seasonal rites and cast spells that bring you into close alignment with Nature's changing energies, you will begin to acquire deeper wisdom and self knowledge, leading to lasting spiritual transformation.
When are the eight Sabbats?
YULE ~ December 21st, Midwinter Solstice
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IMBOLC ~ February 1st, Candlemas
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